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Imagine a world in which it is illegal to own a Bible. Or perhaps you’ve been jailed for your faith and you have your Bible and all your electronic devices taken away from you.
How much of the Bible would you be able to produce from memory?
If you’re like most people, the answer would be “not much”.
Because we live in a generation that has all kinds of information easily accessible from the device that we carry in our pockets, we tend to ignore the need to memorize anything.
We no longer memorize phone numbers…
…or historical facts…
…or the Bible.
Let’s change that.
The Bible Memory Goal is a website and YouTube channel that is meant to inspire you to start (or restart!) memorizing Scripture. And not just one verse here or there – entire chapters and books of the Bible!
It is possible, and you’ll find plenty of resources here to help you develop different methods and techniques to make it possible. Make sure you add your email and join the growing number of people who want to commit themselves to memorizing more of Scripture.
Statement of Faith
We believe that the Bible is the inerrant Word of God, useful for correction and teaching (2 Timothy 3:16).
We believe that God calls us to be transformed by the renewing of our minds (Romans 12:2).
We believe that the greatest defense against spiritual attack is a good offense. The only offensive weapon we have in this fight is the Word of God (Ephesians 6:17).
We believe that the best way to live how God wants us to live is to internalize His Word (Psalm 119:9,11).
We believe that Scripture memory is the most effective way to prepare us as believers to give an answer to those who ask about our hope in Christ Jesus (1 Peter 3:15).
About Josh Summers
Josh is a husband to one wife, a father of two strapping boys and an entrepreneur who has lived most of his adult life in Asia.
And for Josh, the hypothetical situation of being stuck without a Bible mentioned above…well, it wasn’t so hypothetical.

Back in 2017, while living in a politically sensitive region of China, Josh was taken in by local police and put in a small prison cell. Although he only ended up being held for 8 hours during this first of many police encounters, it was a wake-up call for him.
That was the day he realized that if he had his Bible and all digital devices taken from him…
…he didn’t have much of the Bible committed to memory.
If the Bible really is the inspired Word of God, then we believe that it is important to commit it to memory.
In response, Josh made it his goal to memorize the entire New Testament word-for-word. The Bible Memory Goal is his way of documenting the journey and trying to inspire others to make it a priority as well.
In addition to his work on the Bible Memory Goal, Josh also runs his own digital media company that builds other digital brands such as All Things Secured or Virtual Address Finder. He can be found on LinkedIn, where he posts about life as an entrepreneur, or on Instagram where he shares more personal views of life.